My Support
When you purchase a Thermomix from me, it is my mission to make sure you get so much more than you ever thought you could from it.
From the moment it arrives, you will receive an unboxing video I have put together to step you through the first few steps and care for your newest family member
Following on, we then jump online or on the phone together for your very first personalised coaching session. This is where we might get you cooking, if you are brand new to TMXing, or set you up with your individualised cookidoo, or help you convert your normal fav recipes into TMX recipes...the options are endless, and we can chat about what you would find of most help
The support does not end there, if you would like to grow a collection of host rewards and inspire those around you with the love of your TMXing, then we can organise a 30 minute online cook to show them what it is all about. You will be bound to take some tips away for your TMXing.
Continuing to help you up-skill and gain confidence with your new family member, you will be invited to a online cookalong where you will learn how easy pastry (even GF) is in the TM, making some yummy tarts with a small group of other new owners
Ongoing, it is my commitment to you that I will show up online Mon-Fri on YouTube & Facebook inspiring you with the ease of new recipes and more opportunities to gain confidence and skills.
I also provide an amazing supportive online community Tmxing Adventures plus 24/7 support for all your TMXing questions (except for the short amount I sleep each
I love to hear your wins & challenges (if you have any) as you TMX so never be a stranger as I love that many of my customers become like family.