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Pantry Packing in the Van

So how does one prepare to feed a family of six, wholesome, nutritionally dense, mostly gluten & dairy free foods, while travelling? Two words, preperation & good packing...

What if I said that once you have your pantry set, life is so simple. Well let me share our packing tips & pantry staples that we take with us.

Firstly a selection of nuts & seeds is a must as we mill these down & use them in baking daily. We take - Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, Sunflower Seeds, Pepitas, Chia, Sesame, Shredded Coconut & Buckwheat

Then some baking staples including - Cornflour, Arrowroot flour, Cocoa/Cocao, Rice malt sypup/Monkfruit, Psyllium, Xantham Gum, Milk/Coconut Powder, Rolled Oats, Baking Powder, Bi-Carb Soda, GF flour mix & Gelatin.

The important bottles & cans of Tamari/Soy Sauce, Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar, Balsamic Vinegar, Tinned Tomatoes, Coconut Crea, plus the essential oils - Coconut, Olive & Sunflower.

And Lastly an amazing spice rack to whip up any curry at any time & coffee beans for the coffee machine. If you want the tour of the pantry, check out today's video here.

With the Pantry now sorted, there are so many amazing recipes that can be whipped up simply when the need arises for the pantry ingredients. Our favourite recipes using pantry staples are -

Tomorrow let me take you into the Freezer & Share my amazing hacks to having things organised in advance & sqeezing all into the limited space available.


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