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Mareeba - North end of Atherton

We stayed a little outside of #Mareeba knowing that we were not planning on spending much time at the Caravan Park, but rather, exploring the local attractions. First stop was #CoffeeWorks HQ in Mareeba where we did the Liqueur tastings & had coffee. If you are into coffee (Greg is), check it out as they do a good coffee. We then headed onto a coffee plantation 30mins away Called #SkyburyCoffee Plantation. Here you can see the fields of coffee plants & interestingly, they plant Pawpaws between idea why & didn't get a chance to ask someone, however it looked pretty cool having these umbrellas of PawPaw leaves over the coffee plants.

We headed then onto the #MtUncleDistillery passing the impressive wind farms with their massive white blades which are dotted along the hills here in the Tablelands. The Distillery has something for everyone...tastings for the adults & an animal farm for the kids. From here we headed onto Granite Gorge. This was an amazing experience where the boys got to hold a large carpet snake, feed the local rock wallabies & hike the Gorge. I wasn't a fan of holding the snake, however the kids were delighted by the experience.

The next day we headed out & visited #GoldenDropWines where the kids got to learn about the harvesting and sorting of mangos in their massive shed, then onto the Mareeba Herritage Museum.

For afternoon tea I made Melted Camembert using the Gallo Dairy Farm Cheese. Check out how easy it is below ~Lisa

P.s I have just opened up my Free Tmxing 101 course that I ran earlier in 2021 to support those of you in lockdown. Why not spend lockdown, levelling up your Tmxing. Much love during this challenging time & please reach out if you want to chat about food, life or anything. Xox


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